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7th Aug, 2018

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B. Com.

Three Year Bachelor of Commerce Degree Course (B.Com.)


The Bachelor of Commerce is one of the traditional courses. Students are given a wide range of subiects to choose. B.Com. degree equips the students to register for any specialised programme that would give them a compeuuve edge over others.


The programmehas designed to provide a broad foundation in the main functional areas of business.

It aims to provide an appropriate foundation for students to pursue their study for professional qualifications in Accountancy, Costing Management and Finance.

To equip the students with effective communication skills and shape themselves as responsible citizens.

To develop basic skills in specialised fields of Advertising, Computer Application etc.

Creating an understanding of Business Economics and issue related to the Indian Economy.

Giving a practical approach to the students through tutorials, group discussions, projects and using modem technology in teaching the students.


First Year Bachelor of Commerce (F.Y.B.Com. Seven Papers)

I. Eligibility

a) Semester-I

A candidate for being eligible for admission to the three year course leading to the Bachelor of Commerce must have been passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XIl Examination conducted by the different division boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher econdary Education.


Must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) Examination with vocational Subjects/minimum competency based vocational courses conducted by the different boards of the dasnura state Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary School.


Must have an examination of another University or Body recognized as equivalent there to.

b) Semester-II

A Learmer is eligible to be admitted to Semester-Il irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester-I


                                                        (Implemented from Academic Year 2017-2018)

No. of Course Semester I Credits No. of Course Semester II Credits
1 1 Elective Courses (EC) 1 1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)Courses 1A Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)Courses
UBCONFSI.1  Accountancy and Financial Management 3 UBCONFSII.1  Accountancy and Financial Management -II 3
1B  Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses 1B  Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
UBCOMFSL.2 Commerce I (Introducion to Business)  3 UBCOMFSII.2 Commerce II  (Service Sector)  3
 UBCOMFSI. 3  Business Economics- I 3  UBCOMFSII.3  Business Communication- II 3
2  Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) 2  Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
2A Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC)  2A Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) 
 UBCOMFSI.4  Business Communication-l 3  UBCOMFSII.4  Business Economics-II 3
 UBCOMFSI.5 Envirmental Studies-I 3  UBCOMFSII.5 Envirmental Studies-II 3
2B Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) 2B Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)
 UBCOMFSIL.6 Mathematics&Statistical Techniques 2  UBCOMFSII.6 Mathematics&Statistical Techniques 2
3 Core Course (CC) 3 Core Course (CC)
 UBCOMFSI.7 Foundation Course-I 3  UBCOMFSII.7 Foundation Course-II 3
  Total Credits 20   Total Credits 20


                                                        (Implemented from Academic Year 2017-2018)

No. of Course Semester III Credits No. of Course Semester IV Credits
1 1 Elective Courses (EC) 1 1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)Courses 1A Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)Courses
UBCONFSIII.1  Accountancy and Financial Management III 3 UBCONFSIV.1  Accountancy and Financial Management -IV 3
1B  Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses 1B  Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
UBCOMFSIII..2 Commerce III (Management)  3 UBCOMFSIV.2 Commerce IV  (Finance)  3
 UBCOMFSIII. 3  Business  Law- I 3  UBCOMFSIV.3  Business  Law- I 3
 UBCOMFSIII.4  Business Economics-III 3  UBCOMFSIV.4  Business Economics-IV 3
2  Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) 2  Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
2A Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC)  2A Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) 
 UBCOMFSIII.5 Company Secretarial Practice 3  UBCOMFSIV.5 Company Secretarial Practice 3
 UBCOMFSIII.6 Foundation Course-III 2  UBCOMFSIV.6 Foundation Course-IV 2
 UBCOMFSIII.7 L.7Financial Accounting and Auditing 3  UBCOMFSIV.7 L.7Financial Accounting and Auditing 3
  Total Credits 20   Total Credits 20



                                                          (Implemented from Academic Year 2017-2018)


a) Semester -V

A learner being eligible for the admission to the Semestor V must have either Passed in .. courses in Semester 1, Semester , Semester ll and Semester IV examinations.


Passed Semester I and Semester ll examinations but failed in not more than four courses at Sernees and Semester iV examinations taken together, with not more than two courses each at Sermester i Semester IV examinations.


Passed Semester lll and Semester IV examinations but failed in not more than four courses at Semeste and Semester ll examinations taken together, with not more than two courses each at Sernester iare Semester li examinations.

Amended 8438 e (for Faculty of Commerce & Faculty of Arts)

b)Semester VI

A learner shall be allowed to keep term and appear for Semester VI end irrespective of number of heads of examinaficn kept failure in the Semester V. The result of Semester VI shall te in abeyance until the learner Semester IV and Semester V.

II. Course contents :-

Semester V (Seven Courses)   Semester VI (Seven Courses)  
Sr.No. Title of the Course Course No. Sr.No. Title of the Course Course No.
Compulsory Course Compulsory Course
3.5.1  Business Economics V 3.6.1  Business Economics VI
3.5.2 Commerce (Marketing and Human Resource Management) V 3.6.2 Commerce (Marketing and Human Resource Management) VI
Special Courses Special Courses
3.5.3 Financial Accounting and Auditing Financial Accounting V 3.6.3 Financial Accounting and Auditing Financial Accounting IX
3.5.4 Financial Accounting and Auditing Cost Accounting VI 3.6.4 Financial Accounting and Auditing Cost Accounting X
Applied Component Courses Applied Component Courses
3.5.6 and 3.5.7 Computer System and Applications I 3.6.6 and 3.6.7 Computer System and Applications I
3.5.6 and 3.5.7 Export Marketing I 3.6.6 and 3.6.7 Export Marketing II
3.5.6 and 3.5.7 Direct and and indirect Taxation I 3.6.6 and 3.6.7 Direct and and indirect Taxation III