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News & Event





(an Intercollegiate Event)

7th Aug, 2018

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Online Examination Instructions



  1. 1) Log in using the link provided at the exact time of examination. Do not click on the link before the given time.
  2. 2) Login with the details given in the email. 
  3. 3) Remove the screen lock of your mobile.
  4. 4) Set proper time zone in your mobile.
  5. 5) Do no swipe the pop-up message. It will go automatically.
  6. 6) Do not log in more than 2 times.
  7. 7) Students should update their Chrome browser before starting the exam.
  8. 8) Close all applications before the start of examination.
  9. 9) Request your near and dear ones not to disturb you during exam hours.
  10. 10) After logging in click on *Take photo* and proceed.
  11. 11) *Allow* use camera option before the start of the examination.  If image is not seen during exam it will be considered absent despite submission of the exam.
  12. 12) Your photo will be captured during exam, if your photo and name doesn't match as per college records, your exam stands suspended. 
  13. 13) In case image capturing is disabled using any means, in that case the IT coordinators will dismiss the student from the present as well as for all the remaining papers of the exam. 
  14. 14) Switching tabs during exams will lead to termination and auto submission of examination.
  15. 15) Allow the use of a camera during the examination.
  16. 16) In case of technical difficulties, write your name, roll number, and problem and post it on the group only. Do not send a personal message to teachers.
  17. 17) Click the save button after each answer.
  18. 18) Before submission check whether all answers are turned into green color.
  19. 19) Don’t send DONE messages or Screenshots on successful completion of the examination.
  20. 20) Submit exam properly before or at the specified time. If not submitted properly the score will be ZERO
  21. 21) Your entire exam session will be recorded for the practice of unfair means.





