Nakul Patil Yuva Prabodhan Manch is a platform which has been formed in the memory of the founder Chairman of the College Shri Nakulji Patil after his sad demise. He was a man of values and vision, and worked hard for the upliftment of society through education. Thane Zilla Agri Shikshan Prasarak Mandal came into existence to provide access to education to those who have been deprived from it for long time. He was of the opinion that educated, skilful and civilized youth should be brought out from the institution and should get ample opportunities of career. Value based education was his concern and hence the same objectives has been taken up by the Manch which was formed on 29th June, 2012.
Goals and objectives:
The members of the Manch and the College Staff actively participated for the conduction of this activity. Every year the winner students are awarded with trophy, certificates and cash prizes. This brings motivation in the students to participate more and more. The management appreciates the efforts and initiative taken by the College and provides full support for the same by making themselves available during the event.