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History of Department:
The Department was established in the year 1997, the very year college started. Ever since its establishment the dept is actively functioning with its teaching, learning Process. Right from Prof. Donald to Present inchargre Prof.Mukesh Patil department is served efficient faculties. Department has communication skill at F.Y.B.A. level and Business communication at F.Y.B.Com and S.Y.B.A. level.
Goals & Objectives: The main aim is to provide all students with opportunities to enhance their communication and critical thinking skills.
To enhance close Reading of texts in lectures, Seminar presentations, and Group discussions.
To develop ability to express themselves clearly and comprehensively, orally and in writing.
To develop self and social awareness among the students.
To develop personality of the student to cope up with the competitive world.
To help them towards better job opportunities
To help the students to overcome language barrier.
Present Members of Department |
 | Name: Mr. Mukesh Pundalik Patil
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M. A., B. Ed., NET, SET
Email: mppatilpragati@gmail.com
Contact No:
Experience in Years: 07 | Expert Area: English Literature |
Academic Profile: View Profile |