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(an Intercollegiate Event)

7th Aug, 2018

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Parent Teacher Association

A Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a college. The purpose of the PTA is to provide a platform on which the parents/guardians of learners and the teachers can work together for the best possible education and welfare of the learners.
The objectives of the Parent Teacher Association:
  • To inform parents of current changes in the education system
  • To establish a forum through which parents can communicate their opinions and concerns regarding the college, to identify issues and possibly work towards a solution
  • To establish a forum through which parents and teachers can exchange information and research in relation to education/welfare of learners.
  • To support parents, teachers and students to ensure that all learners are treated in accordance with the ethos of the college.
  • To keep parents informed about activities planned for the learners
  • To access any training available for parents and staff of the college from other sources
  • To represent the views of parents.



 Parent-Teacher Association Members   

DR. A. B. SHENDRE   - Chairperson                                                 


Academic Year             Explore in Detail
Parents Meeting 2016-2017 Click Me
Parents Meeting 2017-2018 Click Me
Parents Meeting 2018-2019 Click Me
Parents Meeting 2019-2020 Click Me